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Writer's pictureNick Beaudin

How to Plan Your Next Commercial Construction Project

Did you know that 90% of construction projects don't finish on time? What's even worse is that 70% of the projects fail. Most problems begin in the early construction stages due to change order.

The primary cause of failure gets down to poor planning. Even the most complex projects are executable in time, with proper management.

If you are planning a commercial construction project, the thought of failing is unbearable. Delays and failures make the project more costly. So, what should you do to complete your project within the set time and budget?

Keep reading to learn how to plan for your next commercial construction project.

Plan for Your Construction Project

There's so much that goes into a construction project. The more time you spend on planning, the better you prepare for each phase. Good planning requires working with architects and contractors to determine schedules and milestones.

In this phase, choose your contractors, equipment and materials, labor, and other necessities.

Construction project planning goes beyond the construction schedule. You need a risk assessment, management strategy, and contingency plans.

Permit acquisition, site logistics, and materials supply should feature in your plan. Construction projects easily get off track.

An effective plan maximizes efficiency. It also offers a road map for completing your project.

Remember, plans are subject to constant updating and adjustments. Be flexible with your plan to accommodate emerging issues.


People underestimate the power and value of effective communication. A commercial construction project involves numerous stakeholders.

A breakdown in communication between an architect and contractor can lead to delays. At extremes it can lead to accidents and costly reworks. The liabilities of communication are avoidable.

Develop a communication strategy that keeps everyone up-to-date. Determine document control procedures, frequency of updates, and a point of contact. Also, maintain open communication with minimal procedures.

Encourage documentation of all correspondence. Phone calls, email, or in-person conversations need documentation. Documentation offers a point of reference and helps in settling disputes.

Problems begin when people stop communicating or responding to inquiries.

Maintain an open communication plan. It allows an effective flow of the construction project. Good communication encourages teamwork and collaboration.

Monitor Progress

Once you begin new construction, the goal is everything progresses according to plan. Daily project updates are necessary. They help monitor budgets, schedules and manage emerging risks.

Monitoring progress helps identify potential problems before they occur. For instance, you may notice a delay in construction progress. This could be a result of a labor shortage, poor supervision, or lack of equipment.

Updates pinpoint problems and ideal solutions. Don't wait for months to monitor progress. Daily, weekly, and monthly monitoring are crucial.

Monitor Adjustments to Avoid Scope Creep

Many factors affect your construction project progress. From weather, finances, labor, and supply. Once in a while, you might need to make some adjustments.

If you are not cautious, you can end up with scope creep and change orders. A scope creep is a continuous change in a project's initial scope beyond the initial plan. Change orders is the addition and deletion from the original scope.

It’s common to change your mind and interests as your project progresses. Change is good. However, too much change can lead to project failure.

Your adjustments should be within scope. If you go wild with adjustments, you will spend more time and money to complete the project. Do extensive research and consult with your contractor to settle for the best plans.

Involve all your stakeholders in every change of plans. Request feedback and keep them in the loop.

You are dealing with experts in their different fields. They have ideal solutions to your changes. Involving them also makes it easier to implement changes.

Effective Collaboration

A construction project is not a one-person job. You will work with a foreman, construction workers, supervisors, suppliers, electricians, and plumbers. Teamwork between contractor and designer reduces conflict on budget or other factors.

Collaboration between the foreman and construction workers will bring the project to life. Coordination with the suppliers ensures that materials are available on time. Stakeholders need to work together for a successful project.

A commercial project engages diverse humans. Humans are subject to error, conflict, and disagreement. The chances of a trouble-free execution are slim.

You need an effective collaboration plan that facilitates communication and conflict resolution.

Choose the Right Contractor

There are more than 700,000 construction companies in the US. Not all companies will execute your project to satisfaction. Work with a reputable and expert contractor.

When running a new construction, a good contractor is one of the assurances of quality work. Key features to look for are experience, reputation, integrity, and flexibility.

A competent contractor is willing and able to take on every aspect of your project within the set time frame. Once you settle for the right contractor, plan adequately.

Remember, before construction, read all contracts thoroughly. If you are unfamiliar with some clauses and terms, consult with your lawyer. You don't want frustrations in the middle of your project due to contract problems.

Honey Construction Management specializes in construction, renovations, and fit-ups. We are committed to offering the highest value from start to finish. Allow us to help plan and complete your construction project.

Complete Your Construction Project in Time

You can never know enough about construction projects. There are many phases in construction, new methods, and technologies. Regardless of emerging changes, your goal is to complete your project successfully.

Effective construction project planning gets you closer to your vision. Apply the above planning tips for successful project completion.

You don’t need to be an expert to ace your commercial construction project. Partner with experts in construction for assistance. You need a team of trusted professionals to make your plan practical.

Honey Construction Management is one of the leading construction companies in Ottawa. We offer a wide range of services, from design and architecture, budgeting, financing, plan review, and development planning. Contact us for inquiries on construction and renovation projects.

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